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Pitch Perfect: Make Your "Elevator Pitch" The Ultimate Door Opener

stylish business women in elevator

While the rise of remote work and zoom meetings have reduced our time in elevators, mastering your “Elevator Pitch” is more important than ever in today’s fast-paced business landscape. Originally associated with pitching to potential investors, the Elevator Pitch has evolved to be a powerful, industry-spanning tool and valuable networking opportunity that sparks professional relationships that lead to long-term career growth. Not only is it a chance to establish your brand – whether that’s your company or your personal/professional “brand” – it’s an opportunity to show your communication skills, confidence, and ability to create a compelling narrative. Here are some tips to open doors with your Elevator Pitch, whether on a virtual meeting, industry event, social gathering, or chance encounter.

Create The Secret Sauce of Short, Simple, Yet Compelling  

An effective elevator pitch is concise and to the point, mastering the balance of brevity and substance, Aim for clarity without overwhelming your listener with information. Focus on the key aspects and unique selling points that define you or your venture.

Start With A Hook

Begin your pitch with a hook that captures attention. This could be a thought-provoking question, a compelling statistic, or a relatable scenario. The goal is to pique interest from the outset.

Be Authentic & Relatable

Share a bit of your story. People connect with narratives, so consider weaving a personal element that makes you relatable. Authenticity builds trust and encourages a more genuine connection.

Emphasize Value, Not Just Features

Rather than listing accomplishments, emphasize the value you bring. What pain points do you solve, and what are the positive impacts of your work or service? Shift the focus from what you do to the results you generate.

Tailor To Your Audience

Adapt your pitch based on your audience. Tailoring your message shows that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in how your skills or ideas align with their needs.

Practice, But Beware Sounding Rehearsed

Practice your pitch until it flows naturally, but be cautious of sounding rehearsed. You want to maintain a conversational tone, not deliver a memorized script. Adapt to the energy of the moment.

Invite Conversation

Conclude your pitch with an invitation for further conversation. Whether it's a question about their needs or an open-ended statement, creating space for dialogue encourages engagement.

Photo: Otis Elevator Company



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