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Writer's pictureJulie Greenberg

Tips on How to Make Friends as an Adult

Making friends as adults can feel like navigating uncharted territory. Unlike our school days when friendships seemed to effortlessly bloom, adulthood often presents challenges in forming meaningful connections. However, with a little intentionality and a willingness to step outside our comfort zones, forging new friendships in adulthood is not only possible but also incredibly rewarding. Read on for our strategies and actionable tips to help you make friends and cultivate lasting relationships in your adult life.

  1. Embrace Your Interests: Start by engaging in activities that align with your passions and interests. Join clubs, groups, or organizations centered around hobbies, sports, or causes that ignite your enthusiasm. By connecting with like-minded individuals who share your interests, you're more likely to find common ground and forge authentic connections.

  2. Attend Social Events: Be open to attending social events, whether it's a neighborhood gathering, a work-related function, or a community meetup. Put yourself out there and strike up conversations with new people. Remember, everyone is in a similar boat, seeking connection and friendship. Take the initiative to introduce yourself and show genuine interest in getting to know others.

  3. Leverage Online Communities: In today's digital age, online communities and social media platforms provide excellent opportunities to meet new people and expand your social circle. Join forums or groups related to your hobbies, professional interests, or local community. Engage in conversations, share your experiences, and connect with individuals who resonate with you. Offline meetups or events organized by these online communities can also be a great way to take those connections into the real world.

  4. Be Authentic and Vulnerable: Authenticity is the foundation of meaningful friendships. Be genuine and open in your interactions, allowing others to see the real you. Share your experiences, interests, and even vulnerabilities, as it creates an environment of trust and understanding. Be a good listener and show empathy, allowing others to express themselves freely.

  5. Nurture Existing Relationships: Building new friendships doesn't mean neglecting the ones you already have. Cultivate and invest in your existing relationships, as they can serve as a strong foundation for introducing you to new people. Attend social gatherings with friends, and be open to meeting their friends. Expand your social network by leveraging the connections you already have.

  6. Practice Active Communication: Friendships require ongoing communication and effort. Make plans to meet up, schedule regular catch-ups, or engage in activities together. Use various means of communication, such as phone calls, video chats, or messaging apps, to stay connected even if distance or busy schedules are a factor. Show up for your friends and be reliable, demonstrating that you value and prioritize the relationship.



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